April 30, 2020
Hello everyone!! We decided to start a blog to keep you all updated on what’s happening here at the farm and to document our growing season. Watching these plants grow from seeds to giants is pretty fascinating and we want to share it all with you!
Things are picking up on the farm this week as we enter our third growing season. The weather has been gorgeous here in Southern Oregon and there is a ton of new life sprouting in Greenhouse 3! We put in a good two weeks of spring cleaning to get the farm setup and organized to house all of the new seedlings.
We are loving the new space we have this year! Our greenhouses weren’t built yet last year at this time, so we used hoop houses to shelter all the seedlings. The hoop houses were definitely sufficient but we are so ready to utilize the new greenhouse space!
We are getting started early this year with a total of 70,000 seeds popped. These seedlings will all be part of our light dep crop. Like last year, we will be pulling two harvests of boutique quality hemp flower out of our growing season. The first harvest will be our light dep crop and we are shooting for an Aug 1st release. Our second harvest will be the full season plants that we harvest in October.
It is always our goal to provide a fulfilling variety of quality strains, so we put a ton of work into making this lineup the best year yet. The strain lineup is my favorite announcement of the year and I am beyond excited to share all of these AMAZING strains we were so lucky to get our hands on!
We will grow a total of 19 high CBD, CBG, and CBC strains, with 6 being super exclusive genetics. 11 of these strains will be part of the light dep crop and will be ready for tasting come August. We will also be planting them for the full season crop with the 8 other remaining strains.
Our planting style for the deps will be a sea of green with plants spaced 1 foot apart. With our dep houses we will be able to fit 12,000 plants per acre. This spacing is closer than what we did last year and we will be determining if this will be a more efficient way to yield more flower, earlier.
A new project we have planned this year will be a test acre of autos. We will be growing 4 different autoflowering strains, a quarter acre each. These will be planted with the full season crop but they are expected to finish mid August and give us some additional flower to crop and bring to market early.
We aren’t releasing the strains just yet but you can find the first one in this post! ;) We will check back in with you guys in two weeks to report on our seedling growth so stay tuned!